Posted : Tuesday, September 03, 2024 02:15 PM
NEW TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT #1JOB DESCRIPTIONHIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPALJOB ANALYSISThe process of securing the required information relating to the nature of the job of HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL can be facilitated by a review of the administratively designed job description.
This will identify duties, qualifications, summary, accountability, and description.
A job summary can best be secured from the chief administrator, who can give the applicant a narrative overview.
One may also discuss this with the incumbent principal, elementary principal, or with the screening committee.
The duties and tasks of the job are listed in the job description and are best clarified at the time of the interview.
The High School Principals accountability is measured twice annually on a narrative form projected towards a number of parameters.
The basis of the evaluation is provided in the job description.
The title of this specific position is HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL of the New Town Public School District #1.
New Town is located in western North Dakota, east and adjacent to the Missouri River along Highway 23 on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation.
The Superintendent is the immediate supervisor for this position.
The pay range is commensurate with experience plus health benefits, sick leave, professional leave, and personal/emergency leave.
Professional dues are paid for approved organizations.
JOB SUMMARYThe person who acquires the position shall be able to assume responsibility for the supervision of the teaching staff and education processes by providing in-service and technical assistance to support the improvement of instruction at the New Town Public School District.
The work involves the development of staff in positive action, thinking skills teaching, formative/collaborative supervision, and technology in the classroom.
Orientation of all hired teaching staff for the aforementioned parameters is expected.
JOB ACCOUNTABILITYThe High School Principal shall be accountable for the supervision of the high school staff.
He/she is expected to organize specific job assignments for all teaching staff and paraprofessionals through written job descriptions.
The Principal also monitors all federal and state programs in the school.
The Principal shall offer recommendations to the Superintendent for the promotion, dismissal, or reduction in force of the teaching staff and the classified staff.
The Principal shall be responsible for maintaining school improvement accreditation and seek means to arrive at and maintain Accredited with Commendation.
DUTIES AND TASKSThe duties and tasks of the HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL include, but are not limited to: 1.
Maintain a professional responsibility to the Superintendent for all organization, administration, and supervision of the High School2.
May attend professional conferences upon approval of the Superintendent3.
Shall be prepared to present agenda items at board meetings and propose recommendations to the Superintendent4.
Will assist the Superintendent in drafting and implementing policy and the development of curricula5.
Shall officially represent the school when dealing with patrons, staff, and students6.
Shall serve as a school-community promoter in a reasonable capacity7.
Shall be responsible for staff and student compliance to school policies and observance of said rules8.
Shall attend all Board meetings and present a monthly High School Principal report9.
Shall supervise, appraise, and evaluate the instructional staff and classified staff based upon effective instruction for higher achievement principles.
A written evaluation of each teacher must be completed by December 15th and March 15th for those teachers with three years and less of teaching experience within the district and by March 15th for those with four or more years of teaching experience in the district.
Classified staff must be evaluated twice annually by December 15th and May 15th.
Teacher evaluation reports must be based upon formal observations of the teachers while they are teaching students in class.
A follow up with the teacher must be made within two days after the classroom observation.
If there is a concern with the performance of a teacher or classified staff member, the Superintendent must be informed to plan further action.
Shall supervise, appraise, and evaluate the coaching staff and advisors of school programs (i.
, AISES, VICA, FFA, etc.
Shall ensure that the needs of the students who require special services including counseling, special education as outlined by I.
and other specialized programs are being met12.
Shall attend all Individual Education Plan (I.
) meetings, Positive Behavior Support Team (PBS) meetings, and Building Level Support Team (BLST) meetings 13.
Shall maintain the high school facilities14.
Shall investigate complaints from patrons and parents in respect to due process15.
Shall report all non-resident students to the Superintendent and Business Manager16.
Shall properly disseminate a student handbook, school schedule, and policies to the public, students, and staff17.
Shall develop and disseminate a draft school schedule to teachers prior to the end of the school year 18.
Shall work to finalize the school schedule one week before the first day of school19.
Shall be responsible for the completion of annual reports on any and all phases of the educational program at the high school20.
Shall actively serve on school improvement committees21.
Shall keep abreast of current educational trends by attendance at periodic workshops and professional meetings upon approval of the Superintendent22.
Shall administer the schools in conformity with State law and the rules and regulations of the Department of Public Instruction and the Three Affiliated Tribes23.
Shall protect students in his/her charge by seeing to the development and enforcement of rules of safe conduct in the building and on buses24.
Shall provide for a continuous and complete channel of communication to the Superintendent25.
Shall work cooperatively with the teaching staff in a collaborative manner to improve instruction26.
Shall make recommendations to the assignment of high school staff27.
Shall assume the responsibility for the classification, promotion, and retention of students28.
Shall assist with the direct supervision of extra-curricular activities29.
Shall uphold the schools philosophy and educational objectives30.
Shall exercise the responsibility of recommending major changes in the curriculum offerings to the Superintendent31.
Shall make recommendations to the Superintendent, relative to purchasing equipment and supplies, building alterations, and any other such matters that may be vital in the successful operations of the schools32.
Shall maintain complete records and reports as may be requested by the Department of Public Instruction and the Three Affiliated Tribes33.
Shall report to the Superintendent about the qualifications and efficiency of the high school teaching staff34.
Shall schedule a minimum of three staff meetings per month35.
Shall assist with administrative duties at other district buildings (i.
, elementary school, middle school, alternative school, or vocational center) as necessary due to absences of building administrators36.
May be expected to teach a class that he/she is highly qualified for depending upon the need of the school schedule37.
May be delegated to close school due to inclement weather conditions when, in the best judgment, it be deemed advisable for the welfare of the students38.
Shall champion district initiatives and school district policies and procedures39.
Serve as the New Town High School Student Council advisor40.
Shall oversee the School Improvement Process and complete the annual report to the ND Department of Public Instruction41.
Other duties as assigned by SuperintendentIn general, the Principal shall: Organize fire, tornado, school safety, and bus emergency evacuation drills.
Plan the organization of the high school system.
Provide leadership for the staff by sharing advice and information.
Keep the Superintendent informed through periodic reports.
Maintain an approved high school budget.
The Principal shall perform all duties for the good operation of the school system and such other duties as the Superintendent may determine.
JOB SPECIFICATIONSThe principal shall hold a current North Dakota administrative credential for high school and middle school.
He/she must be able to demonstrate effective written or oral communication.
Experience in formative/collaborative supervision is expected.
Excellent interpersonal skills are required.
Knowledge of school law must be demonstrated.
The ability to utilize computers and software in daily operations is essential for this position.
The ability to serve actively as a team leader or team member is essential.
He/she must have a valid North Dakota Drivers License.
He/she must live in the New Town community.
This position is an 11 month contracted position.
The daily work hours are set yearly by the Superintendent.
This will identify duties, qualifications, summary, accountability, and description.
A job summary can best be secured from the chief administrator, who can give the applicant a narrative overview.
One may also discuss this with the incumbent principal, elementary principal, or with the screening committee.
The duties and tasks of the job are listed in the job description and are best clarified at the time of the interview.
The High School Principals accountability is measured twice annually on a narrative form projected towards a number of parameters.
The basis of the evaluation is provided in the job description.
The title of this specific position is HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL of the New Town Public School District #1.
New Town is located in western North Dakota, east and adjacent to the Missouri River along Highway 23 on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation.
The Superintendent is the immediate supervisor for this position.
The pay range is commensurate with experience plus health benefits, sick leave, professional leave, and personal/emergency leave.
Professional dues are paid for approved organizations.
JOB SUMMARYThe person who acquires the position shall be able to assume responsibility for the supervision of the teaching staff and education processes by providing in-service and technical assistance to support the improvement of instruction at the New Town Public School District.
The work involves the development of staff in positive action, thinking skills teaching, formative/collaborative supervision, and technology in the classroom.
Orientation of all hired teaching staff for the aforementioned parameters is expected.
JOB ACCOUNTABILITYThe High School Principal shall be accountable for the supervision of the high school staff.
He/she is expected to organize specific job assignments for all teaching staff and paraprofessionals through written job descriptions.
The Principal also monitors all federal and state programs in the school.
The Principal shall offer recommendations to the Superintendent for the promotion, dismissal, or reduction in force of the teaching staff and the classified staff.
The Principal shall be responsible for maintaining school improvement accreditation and seek means to arrive at and maintain Accredited with Commendation.
DUTIES AND TASKSThe duties and tasks of the HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL include, but are not limited to: 1.
Maintain a professional responsibility to the Superintendent for all organization, administration, and supervision of the High School2.
May attend professional conferences upon approval of the Superintendent3.
Shall be prepared to present agenda items at board meetings and propose recommendations to the Superintendent4.
Will assist the Superintendent in drafting and implementing policy and the development of curricula5.
Shall officially represent the school when dealing with patrons, staff, and students6.
Shall serve as a school-community promoter in a reasonable capacity7.
Shall be responsible for staff and student compliance to school policies and observance of said rules8.
Shall attend all Board meetings and present a monthly High School Principal report9.
Shall supervise, appraise, and evaluate the instructional staff and classified staff based upon effective instruction for higher achievement principles.
A written evaluation of each teacher must be completed by December 15th and March 15th for those teachers with three years and less of teaching experience within the district and by March 15th for those with four or more years of teaching experience in the district.
Classified staff must be evaluated twice annually by December 15th and May 15th.
Teacher evaluation reports must be based upon formal observations of the teachers while they are teaching students in class.
A follow up with the teacher must be made within two days after the classroom observation.
If there is a concern with the performance of a teacher or classified staff member, the Superintendent must be informed to plan further action.
Shall supervise, appraise, and evaluate the coaching staff and advisors of school programs (i.
, AISES, VICA, FFA, etc.
Shall ensure that the needs of the students who require special services including counseling, special education as outlined by I.
and other specialized programs are being met12.
Shall attend all Individual Education Plan (I.
) meetings, Positive Behavior Support Team (PBS) meetings, and Building Level Support Team (BLST) meetings 13.
Shall maintain the high school facilities14.
Shall investigate complaints from patrons and parents in respect to due process15.
Shall report all non-resident students to the Superintendent and Business Manager16.
Shall properly disseminate a student handbook, school schedule, and policies to the public, students, and staff17.
Shall develop and disseminate a draft school schedule to teachers prior to the end of the school year 18.
Shall work to finalize the school schedule one week before the first day of school19.
Shall be responsible for the completion of annual reports on any and all phases of the educational program at the high school20.
Shall actively serve on school improvement committees21.
Shall keep abreast of current educational trends by attendance at periodic workshops and professional meetings upon approval of the Superintendent22.
Shall administer the schools in conformity with State law and the rules and regulations of the Department of Public Instruction and the Three Affiliated Tribes23.
Shall protect students in his/her charge by seeing to the development and enforcement of rules of safe conduct in the building and on buses24.
Shall provide for a continuous and complete channel of communication to the Superintendent25.
Shall work cooperatively with the teaching staff in a collaborative manner to improve instruction26.
Shall make recommendations to the assignment of high school staff27.
Shall assume the responsibility for the classification, promotion, and retention of students28.
Shall assist with the direct supervision of extra-curricular activities29.
Shall uphold the schools philosophy and educational objectives30.
Shall exercise the responsibility of recommending major changes in the curriculum offerings to the Superintendent31.
Shall make recommendations to the Superintendent, relative to purchasing equipment and supplies, building alterations, and any other such matters that may be vital in the successful operations of the schools32.
Shall maintain complete records and reports as may be requested by the Department of Public Instruction and the Three Affiliated Tribes33.
Shall report to the Superintendent about the qualifications and efficiency of the high school teaching staff34.
Shall schedule a minimum of three staff meetings per month35.
Shall assist with administrative duties at other district buildings (i.
, elementary school, middle school, alternative school, or vocational center) as necessary due to absences of building administrators36.
May be expected to teach a class that he/she is highly qualified for depending upon the need of the school schedule37.
May be delegated to close school due to inclement weather conditions when, in the best judgment, it be deemed advisable for the welfare of the students38.
Shall champion district initiatives and school district policies and procedures39.
Serve as the New Town High School Student Council advisor40.
Shall oversee the School Improvement Process and complete the annual report to the ND Department of Public Instruction41.
Other duties as assigned by SuperintendentIn general, the Principal shall: Organize fire, tornado, school safety, and bus emergency evacuation drills.
Plan the organization of the high school system.
Provide leadership for the staff by sharing advice and information.
Keep the Superintendent informed through periodic reports.
Maintain an approved high school budget.
The Principal shall perform all duties for the good operation of the school system and such other duties as the Superintendent may determine.
JOB SPECIFICATIONSThe principal shall hold a current North Dakota administrative credential for high school and middle school.
He/she must be able to demonstrate effective written or oral communication.
Experience in formative/collaborative supervision is expected.
Excellent interpersonal skills are required.
Knowledge of school law must be demonstrated.
The ability to utilize computers and software in daily operations is essential for this position.
The ability to serve actively as a team leader or team member is essential.
He/she must have a valid North Dakota Drivers License.
He/she must live in the New Town community.
This position is an 11 month contracted position.
The daily work hours are set yearly by the Superintendent.
• Phone : NA
• Location : New Town, ND
• Post ID: 9120418673